Senin, 27 Oktober 2008

Management Information System (MIS)

When the system will be developed Management Information System should consider human factors carefully. If not so, the system produced is not effective.

Information System has three (3) elements, or main activities, namely:
Input: Receive data as input.
Process: Processing of data by performing calculations, merging elements of the data, updates estimates and others.
Output: Obtaining information as output.
This principle applies to both manual information systems, and Computer Electromechanical

An information system to receive data as input and then process the data, and then turning them into information as output.

Basically, each organization has been the main factors as the crisis of success. This is usually determined by the nature of environmental organizations and the nature of the industry where the organization is part of the industry.
Examples of cases to the company's solid information, the main task is to establish and maintain information systems to continue running well. Examples of the company's solid information is the airline company, where the availability of information is very important for the management of other tasks. For example, the case in the company the main tasks of flight booking passengers from each flight took place in various locations spread thousands of kilometers in distance, use computer information system is needed to determine the status of the flight and set the order for a seat on every flight.

Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008

Operating System Computer

Is a computer device consists of components that consists of hardware, software and brainware
one of the software is the main Operating System. Operating system (OS) is a software system that served to make the control and management of hardware and basic operations systems, including software applications run.
Operating System is the first layer of software on the computer to be put on in the memory when the computer starts up. Meanwhile, other software run after running the System Operation and System Operations will conduct public services nucleus for the software. Core public services such as access to the disk, memory management, skeduling task, and the user inter-face.
Operating system has three main functions, namely :
- The management process
Management process includes the preparation, scheduling, and monitoring process on the computer. the process is running programs.
- Management of resources
Management of resources associated with the use of resources in the computer system made by the program or system of application programs that are running on the computer. that meant the resources here are components in the computer hardware such as CPU, main memory and the device input / output.
- Management of data
Management of data on the form of data input / output, including in the case of the secondary storage device and the main memory.
Operating System is a program that acts as an intermediary between the user's computer and computer hardware. the goal is to provide the operating system environment that allows the user to run any program easily